MPGA Monday Weekly Golf
Monday August 21 10:00am - 12:00pm
Event Status: Planned
Ponkapoag Golf Course $15 per day
2167 Washington St
Canton, MA
Disability Served: Physical, Visual
Communities Served: Adult, Teen, Veterans
Do you have a disability and desire to play more golf? Come play with us! All ages, whether you are visually impaired, leg or arm amputee, loss of mobility and/or stability, wounded veteran, paraplegic, have arthritis or other physical injuries that prevent you from keeping the average pace of play. You can find camaraderie and fellowship and, enjoy organized, competitive or recreational play…
Join the Massachusetts Para-Golfers Association (MPGA) for a weekly 9-hole golf outing! The MPGA hosts events and organized golf for people with physical and visual impairments. ADA golf carts, which enable paraplegic athletes to swing clubs from a standing position, have revolutionized access to local golf courses. Even individuals who would not consider themselves particularly athletic are discovering that golfing from a standing position is a liberating and exhilarating experience. Older and blind golfers also benefit from this recent technological development. Come join us each week or once and a while!
Mondays, June 5, 19, July 10, 24, August 7, 21 pre-register one week advance for each event.
Tee times 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (each team will have 2-2.5 hours to complete their round)
Ponkapoag Golf Course, Canton, MA
we may occasionally golf at the Leo J. Martin Course in Weston
Reservations for each event required one week in advance. Companion golfers welcome!
The group cost to play for intermediate and advanced players at the 9 Holes of Golf outings is $15, which includes the golf cart and green fee, a great group savings!
Golfers are also welcome to come to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls for $5 and use the standing cart!
Note: Beginner adaptive golfers should attend the golf clinics provided by Spaulding Rehabilitation Sports Center or equivalent facility, they are more inclined and licensed to handle a severe or higher level of disability and to find their individual golf swing, they should inform MPGA that they have concluded those sessions and are independent to play when they sign-up to participate in the MPGA outings.
We encourage players with balance and hip rotation limits to bring their own fitness trainer or therapist. MPGA volunteers are there to caddie and coach, keeping the time and scorecard current.
To register, please contact Steve Kuketz at (508) 889-7581 or steve.kuketz@comcast.net