
Wellness Series: Tai Chi

Thursday February 16 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Event Status: Planned

Stratham, NH Free
20 Portsmouth Ave
Stratham, NH


Disability Served: Autism, Brain Injury, Hearing, Intellectual, Mental Health, Physical, Visual

Communities Served: Adult, Family, Teen, Veterans, Youth


Northeast Passage

Contact Name: Amanda Zedon

Phone: 603-862-0070

Tai Chi is often referred to as “meditation in motion” as it is a smooth, gentle form of exercise that focuses on balance, body awareness and deep breathing. It can help to improve balance, decrease chronic pain, lower blood pressure and increase range of motion. Participation in Tai Chi can be done standing or seated.
Come join Northeast Passage and Marsha Carr, certified Tai Chi instructor as we engage in a beginner based Tai Chi class!
This event is open to all members of the disability community, including individuals with disabilities, parents, teachers, other allied health professionals and students.
Pre-registration is required and there is no fee for this event!

Pre-registration is required for all Northeast Passage events. If you would like to register for this event, or you have questions, please call or email Northeast Passage at (603) 862-0070 or You may also register online by visiting the Northeast Passage calendar and reserve your spot today!