
Winter Golf Series: Back in the Swing Boston

Tuesdays, January 8 - April 16 , 10:00am - 11:30am

Event Status: On Going

South Shore YMCA Quincy Branch $40 for the series (all three sessions)
79 Coddington Street
Quincy, MA


Disability Served: Autism, Brain Injury, Hearing, Intellectual, Mental Health, Physical, Visual

Communities Served: Adult, Family, Teen, Veterans, Youth


Spaulding Adaptive Sports Centers

Contact Name: Sara Carper

Phone: 877-976-7272

Spaulding’s adaptive golf programs are designed to assist persons of all ages and disabilities in returning to or learning to play the game of golf.

Event Information

To register, please call 877-976-7272 OR

Go to our website

Location: South Shore YMCA: Quincy MA

Dates: Tuesday from 10am-11:30am for the following dates

Series 1: Jan. 8, 15, 22

Series 2: Feb. 5, 12, 19

Series 3: Mar. 5, 12, 19

Series 4: April 2, 9, 16


Cost: $40 for the series (all three sessions)